Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's Always the Little Things

Spent the afternoon packing. After much deliberation, I relented and added another suitcase to the pile so I could go ahead and bring everything I wanted to bring. Almost immediately after I closed up the last duffle the dog curled up on it and promptly went to sleep. That kind of broke my heart a little bit. Poor guy's staying in SC with Ma. Ideally, I'd like to find a pet friendly apartment so I can bring him up to Jersey with me. We'll see how it works out.

On a different note, Ma brought home some gorgeous produce from the farmer's market yesterday. The strawberries are especially delightful. Just the right blend of tart and sweet and so sticky and juicy that they stained my fingers while I was nibbling. Along with the strawberries, she brought home some green beans, asparagus, new red potatoes, and some tomatoes. I've been all in a dither today trying to decide was to do with all of it. I'm leaning towards roasting the potatoes with a little olive oil and herbs and serving the asparagus steamed with a lemon butter sauce. That'll probably change in five minutes when I think of something else though. Worse challenges to have in this world, I suppose :)

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